#region Copyright 2010 by Roger Knapp, Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
using System;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.IO;
using CSharpTest.Net.IO;
namespace CSharpTest.Net.Crypto
/// Creates an in-memory object that can be used for salted password encryption without
/// storing the password in memory (based on Rfc2898DeriveBytes, SHA1 hash of password
/// is stored)
public class PasswordKey : CryptoKey
/// Adjusts the number of repetitions used when deriving password bytes
public const int DefaultIterations = 8192;
readonly IPasswordDerivedBytes _derivedBytes;
private Salt _salt;
private byte[] _iv;
/// Creates the password from the given bytes and salt
public PasswordKey(IPasswordDerivedBytes derivedBytes, Salt salt)
_derivedBytes = derivedBytes;
_salt = salt;
_iv = null;
/// Creates the password from the given bytes and salt
public PasswordKey(bool clear, byte[] bytes, Salt salt)
: this(new HashDerivedBytes(clear, Check.NotEmpty(bytes), salt, DefaultIterations), salt)
{ }
#region CTor overloads
/// Creates the password from the given password bytes
public PasswordKey(bool clear, byte[] bytes)
: this(clear, bytes, new Salt())
/// Creates the password from the given password
public PasswordKey(string data)
: this(true, Password.Encoding.GetBytes(data))
{ }
/// Creates the password from the given password
public PasswordKey(SecureString data)
: this(true, SecureStringUtils.ToByteArray(data, Password.Encoding))
{ }
/// Returns the derived bytes algorithm for this instance or throws ObjectDisposedException
protected IPasswordDerivedBytes DerivedBytes { get { return Assert(_derivedBytes); } }
/// Removes the memory representation of this password and key
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
_derivedBytes.Salt = new byte[8];
_salt = null;
/// Returns the key generated with the current password and salt
public AESCryptoKey CreateKey()
return CreateKey(_salt, IV);
/// Returns the key generated with the current password and the provided salt
public AESCryptoKey CreateKey(Salt salt)
DerivedBytes.Salt = salt.ToArray();
byte[] key = DerivedBytes.GetBytes(32);
return new AESCryptoKey(key, IV);
/// Returns the key generated with the current password and the provided salt
public AESCryptoKey CreateKey(Salt salt, byte[] iv)
DerivedBytes.Salt = salt.ToArray();
byte[] key = DerivedBytes.GetBytes(32);
return new AESCryptoKey(key, iv);
/// Sets or Gets the IV used when deriving the encryption key
public virtual byte[] IV
get { if (_iv != null) return (byte[])_iv.Clone(); return AESCryptoKey.ProcessDefaultIV; }
set { _iv = Check.ArraySize(value, 16, 16); }
/// Sets or Gets the salt used with deriving the encryption key
public virtual Salt Salt
get { return Assert(_salt); }
set { _salt = Check.NotNull(value); }
/// Sets or Gets the iterations used with deriving the encryption key
public virtual int IterationCount
get { return DerivedBytes.IterationCount; }
set { DerivedBytes.IterationCount = Check.InRange(value, 1, int.MaxValue); }
/// Encrypts the stream with the current password and salt
public override Stream Encrypt(Stream stream)
Salt salt = this.Salt;
stream.Write(salt.ToArray(), 0, salt.Length);
AESCryptoKey key = CreateKey();
return new DisposingStream(key.Encrypt(stream))
catch (InvalidOperationException) { throw; }
catch { throw CryptographicException(); }
/// Decrypts the stream with the current password and salt
public override Stream Decrypt(Stream stream)
try { return Decrypt(stream, this.Salt.BitSize); }
catch (InvalidOperationException) { throw; }
catch { throw CryptographicException(); }
/// Decrypts the stream with the current password and salt
public Stream Decrypt(Stream stream, Salt.Size szSaltSize)
Salt salt = new Salt(IOStream.Read(stream, (int)szSaltSize / 8), false);
AESCryptoKey key = CreateKey(salt);
return new DisposingStream(key.Decrypt(stream))
catch (InvalidOperationException) { throw; }
catch { throw CryptographicException(); }
/// Encrypts the bytes with the current password and salt
public override byte[] Encrypt(byte[] blob)
using (AESCryptoKey key = CreateKey())
return new SaltedData(Salt, key.Encrypt(blob)).ToArray();
catch (InvalidOperationException) { throw; }
catch { throw CryptographicException(); }
/// Decrypts the bytes with the current password and salt
public override byte[] Decrypt(byte[] blob)
try { return Decrypt(blob, this.Salt.BitSize); }
catch (InvalidOperationException) { throw; }
catch { throw CryptographicException(); }
/// Decrypts the bytes with the current password and salt
public byte[] Decrypt(byte[] blob, Salt.Size szSaltSize)
using (SaltedData data = new SaltedData(blob, szSaltSize))
using (AESCryptoKey key = CreateKey(data.Salt))
return key.Decrypt(data.GetDataBytes());
catch (InvalidOperationException) { throw; }
catch { throw CryptographicException(); }