So, just finally made time to port the last project out of my old Google code repo. So here are all the links for the new packages and repositories:
BPlusTree (and supporting parts of Library) -> CSharpTest.Net.Collections
Library\Commands -> CSharpTest.Net.Commands
RpcLibrary -> CSharpTest.Net.RpcLibrary
Library\Tools\* -> CSharpTest.Net.Tools
The former package for CSharpTest.Net.BPlusTree has been deprecated. This package depended upon the CSharpTest.Net.Library and I wanted to make the package stand-alone. To avoid causing unneeded headaches I’ve chosen to rename the package to eliminate the confusion with the previous version(s). The new Collections package contains all the BPlusTree code, plus the code within the Library that it depended on. Hopefully this stand-alone version will make it much more usable.
For all the packages, my goal was to not change code, add features, or fix bugs during the move. This is 99% the case, a few changes were made to reduce dependencies in some cases, but the overall code remains basically the same.