An excerpt of a recent slashdot post: “… I wanted to ask the Slashdot community, what do you think the hold up is (regarding use of encryption)? Are the existing protocols somehow not good enough? Are the protocols fine, but not supported well enough in software? Is it too complicated to manage the various encryption [...]


The answer is simple… only when the profiler tells you to. Optimizations often make code less reliable and often constrain implementations making them less flexible. Good software performance is not created by making lots of micro optimizations throughout your code. A good design from the architectural point of view is the critical key to success [...]


This ‘helpful’ (using this term loosely) post is for those you considering adding multi-threaded code to your application.  The intended audience is developers with less than mastery-level (10+ years) multi-threading experience. The first question your up against is: Do I need multi-threading in my application? The answer is an emphatic NO you don’t.  If you accept this [...]


I’ve seen many a question on stackoverflow and other places about running a process and capturing it’s output. Using the System.Diagnostics.Process correctly is not easy and most often it’s done wrong. Some common mistakes with System.Diagnostics.Process: Not capturing both output streams (error & output) Not redirecting input can cause applications to hang Not closing redirected [...]


I recently posted a question about the use of readonly on stackoverflow. Follow the link to see the comments on Thoughts on the use of readonly for any/all instance members of a class? For some time now I’ve been using the readonly modifier for nearly all class fields. I use it for List members, IDisposeable [...]


For the past few days I’ve been working on a solution to a problem in WinForms. Most people are not aware of the following: The “threading api” methods of the Control class are not thread safe. This includes calls to InvokeRequired, Invoke, BeginInvoke, and even EndInvoke. What do I mean by “not thread safe”? The [...]


Ok, I just found the best site I’ve stumbled across in a long time. Excellent job guys and mad respect for giving this issue it’s very own online site/campaign. Join me and the many others to move the community in a positive direction. BTW, I found this indirectly on a great post about the [...]


I hate to say this since I’m sure many people put a lot of time and energy into this … but I truly HATE CSLA for .Net. Why? Several reasons, however, as a fore-note about my point of view you should take this into consideration. My experience with CSLA used about 10% of the features, [...]


It’s been a while since I’ve posted, nothing of interest to say I guess. But then I ran across this article out on Planet TW RSS feed entitled “Resisting Dependency Injection“. Props to the author, I laughed so hard I slapped the desk… The funniest of course is the first comment “Use lots of static [...]


I found a related post over on CodeThinked entitled “Ten C# Keywords That You Shouldn’t Be Using“. He discusses several of the more obscure C# keywords and why they should be used only after careful review and understanding. I like all of them except the one on the keyword ref. I find at least one [...]