If statements in code, need I say more. I know most of you out there get it (and yes, if statements are not the only way to branch code, but they are the worst offender IMHO). I just seem to be lucky enough to continue to find code riddled with if statements. Why don’t these [...]


I’ve been reviewing a lot of blog sites lately reguarding testing and unit test practices. One I ran across this morning entitled “Extract and Override refactoring techinque” caught my eye on Taswar Bhatti’s Blog. Don’t get me wrong here, I tried to read this objectively and understand where he was coming from; however, I am [...]


This is the one, the only, the quintessential rule to programming.  AKA, the KISS method (Keep It Simple Stupid) is, to me, words to live by.  From the implementation of a simple class to the design of a complex application you constantly have to keep this in the forefront of your mind. Far too often I [...]