Sometimes it is necessary to generate a password. This might be done to create a secure account on a machine, or to reset a user’s password via email (although a one-time use security token is a much better answer). Another possible use is to generate passwords for your own use on a website. There are [...]


Keeping in line with our previous post “How to prevent users from killing your service or process” and continuing down the road of securing our service this post looks at the prevention of debugging. There are a lot of anti-debugging posts out there, most of them written in C++ and assembly and are therefor of [...]


Before I say another word, I have read “The arms race between programs and users” and wholeheartedly agree. You can not, and should not, attempt to stop an Administrator from killing your process or stopping your service. That is not what we are trying to do here, we are trying to prevent Joe User from [...]


So I ran into this article entitled “How to Create a Personal Encryption Scheme to Easily Hide Your Data in Plain Sight” on lifehacker. I just want to say: This is a REALLY bad idea. The recommendation is to create you’re very own personal ‘encryption‘ system to encode you’re personal information in plain site. The [...]


If you’ve missed it there is great article entitled Keep it secret, keep it safe by Eric Lippert. Essentially it attempts to dissect the essence of typical crypto issues in plain English (i.e. crypto for dummies). He did a great job of explaining the difficulties in key management, worth a read. I found it particularly [...]


Last year I ran across this 2009 post by Bruce Schneier entitled “Another New AES Attack“. It got me thinking about and dissecting the Rijndael algorithm which most of you know as AES (Advanced Encryption Standard). This research surprised me, I found that AES has only three variants. These variants are best known by their key [...]


It appears the issue I was discussing about storing passwords is finally getting a little more light. This article was posted on /. today and sums up the problem very clearly: Are you sure SHA-1+salt is enough for passwords? This is exactly what I was talking about in “Another example of how to store a [...]


I ran across this post titled “Salted Password Hashing” over on I’m amazed at all the little problems here, so before we continue with how to do this, let’s look at what you should not do: First, Hashed passwords, even when using salt, are possible to crack with a dictionary attack. Computers are fast [...]


Most people I’ve seen online compute a simple hash of password + salt for persistence and authentication. This is the accepted standard in a straight-forward solution: byte[] Hash(string password) { byte[] pass = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(password); //Create the salt to use byte[] salt = new byte[32]; new RNGCryptoServiceProvider().GetBytes(salt); //Create the hash of password and salt HashAlgorithm hashAlgo [...]


So recently I’ve been working heavily with some of the cryptography stuff in .Net and adding a large amount of it to my open source library. One of the many things I needed to perform was simply encrypting and decrypting a piece of data with a password. It seems everyone out there is using Rfc2898DeriveBytes [...]