Background: I get a lot of traffic looking for details on running a process and collecting the process output. If you haven’t already done so, you should read “How to use System.Diagnostics.Process correctly“. It outlines the major pitfalls of using this class. Another post on “Using the ProcessRunner class” will demonstrate using the helper class [...]


Most people believe escaping arguments to a process is easy. Surround it with quotes, right? Nope. Escape the quotes and surround it with quotes? Nope. Escape the quotes and backslashes and then surround it with quotes? Nope. It’s actually a lot more strange than that. When do you need to escape and quote an argument? [...]


I’d love it if there was a nice clean way to do this; however, there isn’t. When running a process via the Process.Start(…) call one must provide a fully qualified path to an executable. The problem is that hard-coding the full path to the exe isn’t always the best option. This is why there is [...]


Last year I ran across this 2009 post by Bruce Schneier entitled “Another New AES Attack“. It got me thinking about and dissecting the Rijndael algorithm which most of you know as AES (Advanced Encryption Standard). This research surprised me, I found that AES has only three variants. These variants are best known by their key [...]

Jun 272011

The best solution to every programming problem but one is “write another abstraction layer”. The one exception? “I have too many abstraction layers.” – Eric Lippert Just couldn’t resist re-posting that one.  BTW, I found this gem on this stack overflow post.


The help site doesn’t suck as bad as did before. Make me feel better and take a look: I’ll know if you don’t. So I finally gave up on my last effort at getting help automated.  To recap my struggle: basically Sandcastle, the original help system I used, was a complete flop.  I spent [...]


LMAO @ Sony… So I finally got ‘the email’ from PSN, about freakin’ time, 7 days late if you ask me. =================================== PlayStation(R)Network =================================== Valued PlayStation(R)Network/Qriocity Customer: We have discovered that between April 17 and April 19, 2011, certain PlayStation Network and Qriocity service user account information was compromised in connection with an illegal and [...]


Put simply: “YOU DON’T” so quit trying. Just today: Why people insist on attempting this is beyond me. I’ve grown to really like Regex, I’ve even built a light-weight xml parser on regular expressions but you can not parse email addresses with a regex. Just look at some of these crazy attempts in [...]


Additions in this release: Introduced CSharpTest.Net.BPlusTree.dll – a fairly full featured IDictionary<K,V> implementation backed by a B+Tree on disk. Collections.LListNode<T> – a doubly linked list implementation that can support asynchronous iteration. Collections.SynchronizedDictionary/SynchronizedList to support synchronization of a list/dictionary given a locking strategy from the Synchronization namespace. IO.ClampedStream to provide an IO stream aggregation for a subset of [...]


Cont’d from Building a database in C# – Part 2 Caching and persistence seem to go hand-in-hand for this adventure. With the cost of serialization and IO it’s just not possible to get anything to perform well without a little caching. The questions I had around caching is really more along the lines of “how” [...]