So I ran into this article entitled “How to Create a Personal Encryption Scheme to Easily Hide Your Data in Plain Sight” on lifehacker. I just want to say: This is a REALLY bad idea. The recommendation is to create you’re very own personal ‘encryption‘ system to encode you’re personal information in plain site. The [...]

Benchmarking WCF compared to Protocol Buffers + RpcLibrary

So now that I’ve finally got around to releasing a protocol built on top of the RpcLibrary I thought it would be fun to re-run some benchmarks. The protocol has been around unreleased for almost a year waiting on some required changes in protobuf-csharp-port which have finally been published in a release. The protocol I’m [...]


Let’s face it the clever guys at Google have more bandwidth than the rest of the nation combined. What better to do with all that excess pipe ;) There are of course numerous posts about the performances of +1 buttons. If you missed them there is the ever popular Google +1 Button Performance Review, and [...]


A few weeks ago I published NuGet packages for version 1.11.924.348. CSharpTest.Net.BPlusTree CSharpTest.Net.Library CSharpTest.Net.Logging CSharpTest.Net.RpcLibrary   I also managed to get protobuf-csharp-port on board. I absolutely live by protobuffers. Google.ProtocolBuffers Google.ProtocolBuffersLite   Finally I recently published a complete protobuf services rpc layer build on the RpcLibrary and protobuf-csharp-port. Of course much of the code there [...]

BPlusTree performance at large volumes (200 meeLLLLion)

Ok I swear this is the last B+Tree chart, graph, or metric I’ll post… at least for a while. I wanted to hit new limits so I fired up 6 threads on my six-core and let them rip… After three hours I finally stopped the run to look at the results. Each of the six [...]

BPlusTree benchmarks and comparisons

Test Overview The benchmark results below are from a single thread on a process with the thread-affinity set except two. The BPlusTree(Threaded) and obviously MySql were not constrained. All data used during the test was generated before the test ran. The number displayed in the logarithmic horizontal axis is the average number of operations completed [...]


If you’ve missed it there is great article entitled Keep it secret, keep it safe by Eric Lippert. Essentially it attempts to dissect the essence of typical crypto issues in plain English (i.e. crypto for dummies). He did a great job of explaining the difficulties in key management, worth a read. I found it particularly [...]


Yes this site is still using wordpress, in fact, I’m writing this in wordpress right now.  The interesting thing is I’ve completely uninstalled wordpress and MySql from my production server.  I know crazy huh? So if I’ve peaked your curiosity you’ll want to stay tuned.  Right now I don’t have time for a lot of details, [...]


A very minor update to the library this past weekend. Addition of Cyrpto.SecureTransfer to provide file transfers via shared public keys. The Crypto.AESCryptoKey now has ToArray() and FromBytes() like other keys. HashStream can now aggregate read/write calls to actual storage stream while computing the hash. The Crypto.Hash class received a new method, Combine(…) Html.XmlLightElement and [...]


Why not? And of course, here is my own lame attempt at keeping up with the cool kids: class Me : Person { public override IEnumerable<Child> GetChildren() { return from lover in GetLovers() from child in lover.GetChildren(child => child.Father == this) where lover.Name != “Billie Jean” select child; } }